We’re passionate about helping your pets feel loved and healthy.

Meet the Owner

I love dogs (What a Surprise!) and I spend the majority of my free time with my dogs outdoors. We go for long walks, hikes, and car rides quite often. I take them with me if I am going through the coffee drive-thru in the morning, the pet store to grab food, or out to brunch with a friend. My dogs are with me as much as possible because pets lives are completely revolved around their owners schedules and waiting around for their owners to get home from work just to go back out with friends. In this day and age we see more owners taking better care of their animals, feeding them better, spending quality time, and clothing them. The market for dog lovers has grown tremendously which has also allowed for a bunch of dog treats to be on the market. While this might sound like a good thing, a lot of the treats you find on the grocery store shelves are filled with junk, artificial colors/flavors, sugars, and unnecessary ingredients. My goal is to provide dog owners with healthy homemade treats that your dog will love but will also benefit your pup, and more importantly won’t harm them with junk ingredients.